"Cameras are essential, but nothing without the light."

Bladerunner (1973)
Directed by Ridley Scott
The Holy Mountain (1973)
Directed by Alejandro Jodorowsky
Alien (1979)
Directed by Ridley Scott
By accident. I was an Artist, sculptor actually, and started shooting video art installation work. One thing led to another and i was a full time DOP in 3 years of first picking up a camera.

I was shooting a music video for Sesame Street with Cookie Monster, it was parodying Carly Jepsen’s " Call me Maybe" and this video was called "Share it Maybe" about sharing cookies with Cookie Monster.
Mid take, we were using the producers bluetooth speaker as a playback device, the producers phone rang, and it auto answered. The music stopped playing and a phone call was broadcast across the whole set. "Hey Jim! how are ya?" comes aloud over the set... The actor playing cookie monster, without missing a beat, replies, " Hey Dis Cookie Monster... U messing up me Take. Jim Call you back later when i done. " The gentlemen on the phone, reverted to a 6 years old... " C...C...Cookie monster? I'm so sorry Cookie monster, i'll call back later" and hung up. So interesting how hearing cookie monster's voice reverted a grown up back into a child.

The Film community as a whole is a circle of friends and sometimes family you choose to be with. You go into the good and bad days together, you get out the other side, together, and you do it all over again the next day. Like any sequestered group of talented individuals, oil rig workers, military, the close bond you form under problem solving situation is unbreakable. The film pin for those who are part of the circle, is a nice signal that you are amongst family.

Trust in yourself. Don't copy anyone else's style. Give it time. Getting good, and having success takes a lot of time...For me its 13 years and counting....

4K Light. This is all about light. Light and sound waves. The DP has to carve the light waves into something beautiful in order to tell the story. That's why i like the 4K pin. Cameras are great, but they are nothing without the light.