"Camaraderie means everything."

Chungking Express (1994)
Directed by Kar-Wai Wong
Do the Right Thing (1989)
Directed by Spike Lee
Rushmore (1998)
Directed by Wes Anderson
I used to create stop motion animation movies with my cousin when we were teenagers. But in my teenage years, it never even crossed my mind that it could be a career option. I started to film with a cheap Sony Handicam to capture illegal street races in the early 2000s. Being at those street races really started to get me into filming behind the scenes at all sorts of events, from concerts to car shows. I started making connections through my friends that were part of the car community. But even then, I didn't think it would be a realistic career, it was still a hobby. I just knew that I loved capturing people behind the scenes, but never took it seriously enough to think it would be a career till I shot my first super low budget music video in 2005.

My favorite moments on set are the unplanned and unscripted ones when I was directing the "Yamborghini High" music video with A$AP Rocky, we were knocking down a giant facade of a mansion, we decided to put all of the actual film crew for the music video, everyone was running around all crazy, acting as if the video ended with a disaster as we captured the collapse of a giant background. I love breaking the 4th wall or going super meta with my projects sometimes.

Community and camaraderie means everything to me, my favorite aspect of filmmaking is getting to be creative with my favorite people on set that are like family to me. Being an owner of a video production company with my wife, building solid relationships with my co-creators was more important than anything. I believe character is everything, creativity can evolve, technical aspects of filmmaking can be mastered overtime, but the close community of filmmakers I bond with all have principles that unite us. My producers, cinematographers, stylists, and other close collaborators are all people I consider family, we have each other's backs at all times.

I would say, it's completely ok to be naive when getting into something, dreaming about what you want to create, even if it seems impossible to do, it is still the the most fun part of the filmmaking journey looking back at it.

I love the 16mm Camera pin, it has a timeless look to it, it's one of favorite type of cameras to film on since a lot of my work deals with mixed media these days. I love mixing the old and the new, filming with a 16mm Arriflex and mixing with the Arri Alexa.