"Community is everything to me."

Anchorman (2004)
Directed by Adam McKay
Billy Madison (1995)
Directed by Tamra Davis
One Child Nation (2019)
Directed by Nanfu Wang & Jialing Zhang
Filming my friends skateboarding.

I was doing an Audi commercial in Spain and drove around with one of the stunt drivers in a super fast car on mountain cliffs. It was absolutely terrifying but exhilarating. Every part of me didn't want to trust the driver or the car but, but I quickly realized that I wouldn't enjoy myself if I was scared, so I just embraced it...and it was incredible.

Community is everything to me. Whether on a film set, or in my local surrounding neighborhood. Without pouring time into my various communities, life for me would be lonely and depressing.

Try getting involved in some local-community volunteer work. I find that it nurtures my soul. A lot of times the work I do to pay the bills goes against my core/spiritual values, so I constantly need to recharge my soul. And volunteer work really helps me with that.

The Classic C-Stand because I was shamed by my lighting teacher in film school for not being able to set up a C-Stand in 60 Seconds.