"Check your egos at the door."

Jaws (1975)
Directed by the Steven Spielberg
Holy Mountain (1973)
Directed by Alejandro Jodorowsky
Gummo (1997)
Directed by Harmony Korine
It was the natural progression from my prior 10 years as a photographer, although never had a film class.

Ha, hard to pick just one, but probably when I Directed Iron Maiden's "Rock In Rio" movie in South America. It was an 18 camera live shoot where we flew in on two helicopters over the heads of 250,000 manic Iron Maiden fans. The steam coming off the crowd was second to none. We were broken into two group for each helicopter. Half of Iron Maiden per helicopter and joined by Paul Rodgers from Bad Company and Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin! It might be my best memory of working with my idols ever. We had also filmed Maiden in Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Santiago and finally in Rio, which was all cut into a rock and roll movie which still stands the test of time!

Well the first thing I was amazed about going from a Photographer to a Director in 1994 was that I had all these people there to help me out! I didn't know a thing about the different departments and how it was so collaborative. I really didn't know since always just working with one photo assistant and now having a crew of 15-20 people all working together. It was a big help in making me comfortable as a young Director. You are only as GOOD as your CREW! I love my crew.

Check your egos at the door! Get in there and get dirty!

The 35mm Lens! I miss shooting super 35mm film format, but still love choosing my fave lenses for specific shots! Also, being a photographer gives me a more than helpful background in picking that perfect lens!